Our People

  • The safety and security of our people is our prime responsibility. We havestringent policies and guidelines to ensure the health and wellbeing of our employees.
  • We carryout regular maintenance and upkeep of all the equipment and systems used during construction, operation, and maintenance activities.
  • We engage specially trained and licensed personnel for critical roles and ensure that all our teams are regularly trained and appraised about safety hazards and take necessary precautions.
  • We also provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to assure the physical safety of our employees on site.

Our Environment

  • Environmental protection is another extremely important part of our business objectives.
  • We strive to plan and execute our projects in an environment-friendly manner, with special care towards avoiding pollution, maximizing recycling, and reducing waste discharges and emissions.
  • We educate our employees about the importance of conservation and instill in them a responsibility towards it, by training them in appropriate operating practices.
  • We even promote awareness among our contractors, suppliers, and customers, so that we may work together towards the larger goal of protecting the environment and nature.